Under the trees and on the grass

No kneeling on the ground today ..... much too wet after last night's very heavy rain .... crouching down was the best I could manage to photo the fungi.

The Common Puffball (Lycoperdon perlatum) I had seen many times before but the Pleated Inkcap (Parasola plicatilis) was a new species for me ..... when I saw it at first I thought it was one of those wee umbrellas that you sometimes get in a drink.

Glad I managed a bit of a walk in the morning .... it's been wet and windy this afternoon, so what else would I do but catch up with my TV viewing!  I've been watching 'The Bodyguard' but I keep missing bits 'cos I've been doing other things at the same time .... on episode 3 for the fourth time!

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