Getting ready for school

We dropped Phoebe at school this morning and after a quick play at the park we went swimming. Alexander did really well and not only managed a full width of the pool with his armbands on he also learnt to float on his back.
When we got back to the changing room I saw several messages from James. Alexander’s new teachers had turned up at 11 o’clock for his at home meeting!! Argh I thought they were coming tomorrow at 11 o’clock! Whoops!
Luckily they managed to come back at 3pm. Alexander was really nervous at first but he soon become more comfortable and was chatting away freely. He drew a picture of himself and wrote his name. He also got the building blocks out played with one teacher as I chatted with the other. The teachers are the same that Phoebe had in reception so it’s nice to have that continuity. Fingers crossed it’s quelled some of his fears for Wednesday!

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