UFO over Arthur's Seat
The renovation of the lecture theatre in the Grant Institute was just finished in time for the students to come back. I was asked to shoot a picture for the rear wall. We decided that a picture of Arthur's Seat and the Crags would be quite apt for a geology lecture theatre. I am very pleased with how it turned out. The picture is looking great in big (3.6m by 8.6m). I have also updated my website with an interactive version of the panorama. Playing with it, I just realised you can see some people climbing the Crags.
Otherwise, I realised that I need to rejig some of the satellite processing code. Handling geographic coordinates (with a singularity at the pole and a wrapped boundary at the dateline) is more complicated than necessary. Ah well, using projected coordinates (in a nice flat, rectangular coordinate system) will make life much easier.
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