Scattered Polaroids

By sp

A teensy lie in on Saturday morning, then made some parcels to send to people. Then to the station, and to Oxford! Graham met me at the station and we had a super long walk along the canal, until we weren't in Oxford anymore. It was pretty muddy and got increasingly gloomy as we walked, but it was perfect for chats.

Back into town via the Ashmolean (I needed a wee). Town was the usual Saturday-afternoon-in-Oxford hellishness, so we grabbed some gubbins from Tesco and went straight back to Graham's.

After a deeeelish sweet potato curry in the evening, we headed back into town, and to the Hub House (where Graham used to live but doesn't anymore but works with the people that live there now... yep, bit confusing). We played drinking games for a couple of hours, then went next door to TSK for Blue Rinse. Best club night I've been to in a verrrry long time - every hour they go back a decade - but I think I pulled some muscles with my slightly over-enthusiastic 50s moves.

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