
I love cream roses!

Monday again....where did the weekend go?

I've done a supermarket shop for my mum this morning and a couple of errands for Gav's mum so need to get a move on now and get some of my own jobs done!!

No chance of any serenity here!

The swimming gala was ok last night, Lucy's place in the gala team is secure anyway but Rob swam superbly taking second place in his events. Considering he has only trained twice this calendar year I think the coaches were surprised at how well he did beating 2 regular gala competitors! Not sure Rob wants to add competitive swimming to his busy weekends though!!

Glad Richard was voted off Strictly...he was the worst dancer left in the competition......but really shocked that Ella's been voted off X Factor!!!!

Will be back later but in the meantime have a great day x

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