Mono Monday : : Exotic

It IS exotic, but 'heroic' might be even more apt. She must be at least thirty feet tall and stands above many of the trees. It was necessary to walk the length of a long field to get this shot from the side which reveals her upturned face, long hair and triumphant posture. I don't know how the artist managed to get such exquisite detail when working on such a massive scale.

I confess I took this picture yesterday at the sculpture garden. I would have gone back today to try to catch her in a different light but I had to go to to a preview of the 'lifelong learning' lectures that are given at Sonoma State University which is in the opposite direction. 

It was not what I had planned to sign up for, but I think I will take the series on 'Fake News, Real News and the 2018 Midterm Elections'. The fact that it will be taught by a journalist, a political scientist and a pollster who will analyze the upcoming important midterm elections. We live in a 'blue bubble' here in California and it seems like a good idea to have a look into how other people are thinking and why....

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