St Andrews Hill, Norwich

At lunchtime, after depositing some vintage clothes with my favourite charity shop, which is located a mere hop and a skip from my office, I wandered back to work. Just outside my office, I took this photo. It is such a quaint and character-filled lane, but spoilt by the modern ugly building that is Lawrence House. But a great location to be able to visit the shops, so I won't complain, as there are so many lovely old buildings I can look at on my walks.

Mollie and Henry both came in with me again today, so we parked in the car park. Henry had his first proper hands on practical day. Wiring in sockets I think, among other things.

My back hasn't been clicking as much today but it aches. We got home at 6. Jon and Henry have started work on the electrics for the conservatory which will be done in conjunction with the cloakroom. A wall light and switch so far. Wire will be run up the wall and into the house somehow. I'm sure they've worked it out. We don't have any light, sockets or heating in the conservatory so it's hard to be in there during the winter as it's too dark with just a lamp, and the extension leads trail across the floor, so it will be good when it's done.

I've got to go and pick Mollie up from Cromer railway station now. She is cramming in catch ups with all her friends, before she goes back to Uni on Friday. It's going to be quiet here...

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