The life of Hannah Carr

By HannahC

Dark skies.

School. Home.
Jen went to piano with mum.
I was just sat doing 2 hours of homework (!!) when I heard this almighty *Bang!! CRASH* Thought someone was burgling us. So I look out the patio windows and much to my relief it was just the huge planter had fallen off the decking and the swing thing had flew about 4 metres across the garden. I ran upstairs to tell george who was hibernating in his room. His reply was 'Orite lads, back in a bit' (he was talking to the people across the world who he was playing with!)
And we went to put it back together when mum turned up. George went back hibernating and me and mum put put the garden back into place. That's most exciting thing that's happened today. Stupid wind.


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