Double Shot Mummy


Painting and finding passports

It was scarily quiet this morning so I thought I'd better check out what Bailee and Oscar were up to. Sure enough they were "Under the blankets" in Stu's office/spare room and all the paperwork for Maple's Emirate's ID was scattered everywhere. I got a rather grumpy text when out and about, as Stu discovered my passport was missing. Quite a few hours later Stu again tried asking the twins where mummy's black book was and Oscar walked over to the printer and handed it to Stu! So Oscar got a 'special certificate': the twin's word of the moment, (Alongside macaroni and dinosaurs-rex for Oscar). I admit it is a teeny bit amusing how delighted they are by this 'quickly scribbled down and add a sticker on a piece of A5 paper' item!

We went to Boogie Babies in the morning. I was really impressed with how much O and B participated today. They joined in very well with our Kindermusic make-up session yesterday too. Since we moved to Dubai they have been a bit more shy and stand-offish. I guess it must be hard for them without their familiar friends and surroundings but it seems they are starting to get back into the groove now :-)

I needed to get a third set of 'open eyes' passport style photos for Maple today.... getting quite good at it these days.

In the afternoon we did painting. I have been bursting at the seams to do painting with them for ages and Bailee and Oscar had a lot of fun! It seemed to be running way too smoothly until Oscar decided he would paint the inside of his mouth, his face and his hands. Of course I seized the moment to take pictures (As apposed to stopping the behaviour!)

Maple's 16 week vaccinations are tomorrow; not looking forward to it at all. The bit that I am looking forward to is getting her weighed. She hasn't been weighed for 8 weeks. My experience of this is very different to that in the UK. Last time she was bang on average. We will see tomorrow how chubby she really is!

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