Happy Birthday Mr Stuart!

Dave woke up a whole year older than me again (and in so doing, the order of the universe is restored). 47 years young. Bean grinding coffee machine and local vodka. What more could a boy want? A longer lie in maybe?

He did bag a wee lie in, a trip out for lunch, a walk round a field with a nervous dog (long story) and a visit to a NEOS stop at Glen Garioch distillery to see his Meldrum Maker comrades. He's definately missing not participating this year, but he's just gonna have to get his abstract mojo back and get back in the saddle for 2019.

I bumped into these weel kent shining stars at the distillery (stole your pic Edith!). I am no longer the lucky owner of a single beautifully crafted Saami leather bracelet by Hamespun...because I am now the lucky owner of two. I also bought a small but deliciously deep, chunky and richly coloured tactile bowl from WoodBee. Both treats are in daily use already. (NEOS is on across the North East until next Sunday)

Back to the Birthday Boy and he got a parcel and phone call from my Mum and Dad who are still in Cardiff for Dad's international tournament, but that small matter of being 100s of miles away wouldn't let that stop them making sure he had a grand birthday.

I dropped him off at Grants in the evening where I'm reliably informed they went on to consume too much alcohol and verbally abuse the Alexa thingamijig with demands for the music of their youth. I doubt Alexa got to play more than 20 seconds of any song before one of them jumped in and demanded the gadget play another request.

Meanwhile, we discovered an angry bulldozer in the forest. We'll investigate what they are up to later....

Happy birthday Mr Stuart, lots of love, Ms Sinclair

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