Beacon Hill

Got up.

Went to a bar to watch the rugby. Fun to watch, shame about the result. The last 10 minutes gave me some hope that Scotland weren't a complete waste of space however.

Headed into Boston. Walked around for 4 hours. My feet now hurt, but I really enjoyed being out on a day that doesn't threaten frostbite. I have also got a lot more of a feel for the layout of the city, and identified a lot of things I want to go back and do/see one day! Grabbed this blip in the rather upscale Beacon Hill neighbourhood.

I'm back in my room now, half watching the England vs. Italy game while I sort out my photos, blip, and sort out a few bits of work for next week.

Just had a lovely MSN chat with a good friend too.

Not a bad day - I feel like I've really had a proper weekend.

Back to the grindstone now though...

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