Training day with our Tex!
On September 15th, I will swim with 7 others 2 kilometers in open water to raise money for KWF Kankerbestrijding, The Dutch Cancer Society. I had my last training day today....we still have to look for sponsors who want to donate money. Our target is 2500,00 euro...
This is the link to our sponsor page Swim tour for KWF . In the extras you can see lifeguard Tex... Checking the water temps and he is watching me closely...
A huge thanks for everyone who did join the DerelictSunday challenge this week! You guys are awesome too keep up the challenge with me...
You can post your images of dereliction on any day of the week as long as they have the appropriate tag. This weeks tag is #DS106 it starts on Monday the 9th September and it will end on midnight Sunday .. if your entry doesn't show up under this tag, please let me know.. show me your derelict places...:-))
As promised the results for the DerelictSunday challenge.
HM go to:
And now go out a look for some dereliction... ;-))
Thanks for all the wonderful comments and stars for my yesterday’s blip! Xxx
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