Distant lights

Kuwait seems to curve around a bit. I don’t drive so the layout doesn’t really make sense... but it made for a nice photo. And in the far right you can just make out the shape of the water towers. Another day of 2 x 3 hour kids classes and these two seem ok as well. Thankfully.

I attempted a swim after work but had no energy so I stayed at the Club for dinner. Easy solution. It was quiet, the view nice and ended with a chat with one of the Egyptian pool attendants. He’s been here 11 years now and married for three. The only thing is his wife and son live in Egypt. It’s too expensive to bring them here. The Club provides accommodation for him, but not the family. In fact, all the club employees have accommodation provided and they all seem happy. Well, as happy as you can be in these circumstances. But for many, it’s better than home and they can send much needed remittances.

We had a nice chat but it breaks my heart seeing the sacrifices so many make to earn money here.

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