I had a choice of picture.

The Christmas themed packaging starting to appear in the shops. Note to self: begin the annual ‘spot the tree’ campaign.

The various food I ate. Note to self:keep on fasting.

The doctors queue. I swear they change the appointment booking arrangements every time I need one. Today, I wanted an on the day appointment (q for 30 minutes before 8am to be in with a chance/forget trying to get through on the phone line) for a medication review.

I reached the front only to learn that “we no longer make on the day appointment for that” there followed a longer discussion and an appointment for 2 weeks hence.

This then meant I needed to ask the pharmacy (yes, another q) for an emergency repeat prescription. I can collect this after 6.30pm on Friday.

I know that they are under a great deal of pressure and I really do value the NHS but there must surely be a better way.

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