Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

I'm a giant great big girl now I'm three!

Lyra is taking being three very seriously and announced upon waking at 5.30am... on a Sunday.... that she is a giant great big girl now.

Being three comes with its perks. Lyra declared that she would be drinking babycinos every day now that she's three. It seems I'm raising a right little diva.

She went quiet for a while earlier and naturally I worried, but was pleasantly surprised to discover that rather than wreaking havoc she'd gone and helped herself to two glasses and a carton of orange juice and poured a glass each for herself and Ellie. I told her well done for doing it without any help at all and without making any mess....

She gave her hair a flick and her eyes a roll and announced "Well I AM three now."

Bless her. How have three years gone by already? I miss my baby but I'm loving getting to know my little girl.

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