Silver birch
Ok, it's not a birch, it's a horse chestnut. But it always looks rather silver at this time of day (an hour before sunset), particularly against today's dark skies. Out of the other side of the house it was all blue skies and fluffy white clouds, but looking north everything was very dramatic and gloomy.
Bit of a quiet day today. Inevitably some more cushion making. Some Christmas present planning, and planning holidays with Mr B. Having discovered the possibility for a huge long holiday in the spring, with only minimal skiving from school, the world is our oyster....
Basketball with Conor this evening - I think he's still exhausted from his weekend exertions (though the kids on his team who didn't bother showing up on Saturday were looking pretty sprightly. Grumble grumble.)
Christmas fair preparations in school all day tomorrow - a workshop for the kids to make things to sell. I'm hoping I'll be the parent sat in the corner cutting things out, rather than having to actually get involved and make myself understood to small children.
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