
By MartinN

Canada Day 13

We went to Whistler today, the host of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics and the most surprising thing was just how many bicycles there were there!  That was until we saw the use they have made of some of the ski runs during the summer months, downhill moutain bike runs, which apparently are the amongst the best in Canada!

We had a lunch of the biggest plate of nachos you have ever seen, plus two wraps and a massive plate of fried for lunch, at a table with a bonfire in the middle!  Ideal location, kept us fed, warm and allowed us to do yet more people watching, which should itself be an Olympic sport!

On the way back we stopped at Shannon Falls, 800 metres high, 6 times as high as Niagara Falls, but only a fraction of the width!  Most of the trees at the base of the fall are covered in moss, due to the constant humidity of the air.  See extras

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