
By maddogmagpie


I despair sometimes, I really do.

Boris Johnson, a man so transparently clueless, duplicitous, unfit for office and, at his core a total piece of sh*t is still strongly in the running to be next prime minister. This is a man who was so utterly useless as Foreign Secretary that he has achieved the impossible and made Jeremy Hunt look like a safe pair of hands. He has been caught lying several times, twice resulting in him being fired from his job, and yet still you will find people who feel he should be given a chance. What on earth is wrong with them?

Similarly, on Twitter you will now see leavers pretty much accepting that leaving the EU will cause massive damage, but doubling down on their (frequently ALL CAPS and poorly constructed) statements that this is what they voted for. Well, if you are that intent on self harm could you not just throw yourselves off the cliff edge without tying yourself to the rest of us first?

I know they get really cross when they are accused of being stupid, but they are making it difficult to do anything else.

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