Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

My Annie-ver-sary

Well, here I am one day late for my annie-ver-sary, but mummy said today was an annie-ver-sary too. This is not a very good picture of me as I was being a bit naughty and would not pose. Well, I ask you, it is three days now that me and Florence have not been allowed out into our garden. It seems there is some “stuff’ out there that we must not get on our feet. It is not snow as it is the wrong colour and anyway snow washes off; this is grey stuff. It seems we might be allowed out at the weekend. At least I can look out of the window and actually, there is also a noisy machine out there; I do not like loud noises.
Anyway to get back to my annie-ver-sary, I do not remember much about it except that my back and legs hurt on the day that it happened and then I spent a lot of time asleep on this day, while Giunio mended me. It is six years ago now, so, as I am eleven now, I have lived more of my life with my back held together with cement.

Is an annie-ver-sary the same as a birthday or Christmas? I have not had any presents, but there were some new flavour Dreamies on the Ocado delivery this morning.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Friday 14 September 2012

Dougal – the “stuff” you mention is cement, it is holding the bricks and slabs of the new steps together and it is similar to what holds your back together!

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