Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy

Movember 19th

As a bushy beardy Ive never been able to partake in Movember but after growing it to Navel Officer length for Titanic the Musical I decided to shave it all off in May.

This year I was therefor clean shaven on Movember 1st (as the rules dictate) so here is my 19 day Mo.

I'm doing this as my father has had prostate cancer and had to undergo some nasty surgery, at least 2 people I am close to have died of it and others I know are still suffering so it seemed to be the least I could do to grow some hair to raise awareness of the cause.

If anyone would like to donate to male cancer charities please feel free to click on my Movember page. but above all, men please remember that going to the doctor isn't shameful. the reason men die of prostate and testicular cancer is because they ignore the symptoms. Man up and get checked if you think things aren't right !!!!!

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