Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks


The current theme at my local camera club is 'playtime' which could be something other than board games but it made me look in some cupboards.

Over the years I have given away, sold and lost all sorts of toys and games - many of which it would have been better to have kept.

This one has survived clearouts and house moves. It was purchased in the USA and still has the price ticket on it $3.79 from a store called Kiddie City - the ticket says Always Discount. Reading about Kiddie City I see it went out of business many years ago - I wonder if it was too much discount or not enough that finished them off?

Dad brought this back for us from one of his times working in the USA in the mid 1960s and we certainly played it a lot for many years but its been in a cupboard unseen for the last 15 years.

Fancy a game ?

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