
By don_T

Heart shaped Autumn

We had some chilly weather last weekend which started the foliage change. We are now back to hot summer weather (early-mid 30's) and this heart shape of changing leaves is the only evidence in our entire yard that autumn is nearly upon us. Lovely day to be off, I was up early to practice my new Barre choreography but was thankfully not called upon to teach - I ended up doing the 45 minute routine 3x through, enough of a workout considering yesterday's 2 yoga classes and 1 spin class. I spent the afternoon relaxing and reading my new book in the shade ('The Accidental Further Adventures of the 100 Year Old Man')....I loved the 1st one so much! Evening was spent with my sweetie cooking (vegan mac & cheese for me, steak & potato for him) cuddling & watching a movie.

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