The Crossed Keys

A busy day out started with the regular session of wheelchair basketball at Norwich Lowriders this morning.  Then a dash into the city where Jamie changed at the 'Changing Places' in Chapelfield and bought a present for Farrah whose afternoon birthday bash we were off to.  Whilst Jamie shopped I popped into The Forum for the Library and spotted a different angle on Norwich Castle, a view from outside St Peter Mancroft.  In the end the church makes the blip, the sundial taking my eye.  

A gentle afternoon out in the country, the party held in their garden alongside the River Thet.  A chance to get to know some nice people.

The crossed keys represent St Peter the Apostle whom Jesus told would be given the keys to Heaven.  The symbol appears in various guises on many churches dedicated to St Peter .... and curiously is also common in the pub trade!  More on Crossed Keys here

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