Die Größe spielt keine Rolle
Size doesn't matter
The exceptionally hot and dry weather this summer affected our newest hop variety in a very particular way: while the overall yield was not too bad (only approx. 10% below average), the hop cones were noticeably smaller. This is most likely caused by the young plants not having deep roots, yet, and therefore a lack of water. We can't give a final statement about quality (alpha acid and essential oils), yet, as the samples are still analysed, but let's hope size doesn't matter after all...
"I thought you'd be really good at finding penises, since you have to search for yours every time you have to take a leak." "Very funny! I have you know, it's only slightly below below average, and my doctor even said, that in some countries my size wouldn't even be considered a medical issue." - (The Last Man on Earth, S4xE17)
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