Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward


and a rider, at El Morro National Monument.

       I forgot the one hour time difference between Arizona and New Mexico and arrived at El Morro forty minutes after opening time. I went especially for the camels. A brief history (from the perspective of the US army) leaves out some of the more interesting dealings that went into forming the Army Camel Corps. The particular experiment I learned about today concerned a retired Naval officer leading a party with twenty five camels from Camp Verde, TX to Los Angeles, CA in 1857 stopping at El Morro for two days. A full account of this expedition can be found in Uncle Sam's Camels, now out of print; but copies can be found (but not at ordinary used book prices).

       I also hiked the two miles over the rock and snapped too many pics a few of which might find their way to Flickr.

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