Tom Tec

A bit of a mixed day today. I left Myrtle not feeling great. I think the culture shock of being here away from home alone for so long was giving me an emotional kicking and a few other things on my mind too.
Its hard enough being away from those you love for a long time but working the way that I do (no office/regular face time with people) it starts to drive you a little crazy. I am a pretty open, relaxed and friendly person and quickly get on with people. However seeing familiar faces regularly is something we are conditioned to like. No matter how we try to make it, electronic or phone communication is not the same. Its a media that has to have a purpose of contact. Familiar Facetime (US expression that I can't think of a better UK one) is comforting. It bonds us.
I used to live in a high rise apartment and loved looking out of the window as you could see for miles. It calmed the mind, like climbing a hill does. I surmised it was calming because you can see there are no potential threats approaching so the mind relaxes instinctively. Maybe its the same just having familiar monkeys around.
Arrived in Charleston and had nice look around. Came across these nice basic technical toys in Tom Toys. Hopefully a nice night ahead.

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