Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Lovely day for a White Wedding

Everyone loves a wedding and Wanaka is actually world famous for them. Couples come from all over the world to be helicoptered into the hills during a lighting storm and photographed standing on mountain peaks. Funny but The Boss and I don't think that stormy drama filled shots of a Bride on a hill, blend all that well with the first day of wedlock but what do we know. The Boss has been married 37 years to The Bossess and their wedding photo's were self taken after the friend who was to do the job turned up alcohol impaired and got them all out of focus.
This lovely couple from New York, USA were doing a lovely thing and had been kissing so long that they were turning blue as the photographer supreme, my friend W and his lovely wife J were clicking away. He looked up and saw me and the boss up on the path. Hey he yelled...Is that an iPhone 5?
Yes said the boss as it made it's "I am a camera" noise. And another Blip was born.

Kiss the Bride.

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