Another Day, Another Kite

We were booked on the 12.30pm ferry home so got up fairly early to pack and went for a walk along the beach where we spotted some really big round kites, so we went to have a look.  They were massive and really colourful, and if you check out the extra shot, you'll see how small Alan is against the kite.

Our taxi picked us up just after 11am and we had about half an hour to wait until we boarded the ferry and we decided to give them our cases this time, to save having to carry them around the boat.  We went straight to the top deck and sat in the sun for an hour or so and then went inside to have our lunch, and spent the last hour and a half back on the top deck.

It was another great crossing, it was so warm and the sea was calm, it was actually very relaxing - much better than driving!  Our only problem was when we docked at Newhaven - we disembarked and were taken to Border Control by bus, and when we asked about our luggage, we were told to go through passport control and then to wait in the main reception area and our bags would be brought to us once they were unloaded.  We sat for nearly 40 minutes and went and stood outside in the sun when we saw one of the passengers walking off with his case, so we went back in.  We were taken back out through passport control where our two cases were and then the Customs Officer pounced - she wanted to inspect my case.  After a long wait, I wasn't very happy, but there wasn't much I could do about it - they said we shouldn't have gone through without our cases, but we said that we were told to.  Apparently the port had 'cocked up' and border control said they would be taking it up with them.  She asked for our ID, but we said we'd already put our other bags in the car and our passports were in my handbag, so she asked Alan to go and get it, and he was accompanied by another customs officer. Anyway, she rummaged through our dirty clothes, asking all sorts of questions that made me feel guilty, even though I wasn't, and then she picked up the little case I have for my electric toothbrush.  I have to take the toothbrush apart to fit it in the case, so the actual brush attachment was separate, she pulled the main body of the toothbrush out, looked at it and switched it on and said 'oh, it's an electric toothbrush'  I said yes and showed her the brush attachment and explained that I have to take it off to fit it in the bag.  She then left us to re-scan our passports, and when she came back she thanked us for our patience and as I was leaving she smiled and said 'it was the toothbrush by the way'.  Obviously, they must have scanned the case and thought it was a lethal weapon lol!  

Despite all that, we were home by 5pm and the boys were pleased to see us, but they've done nothing but sleep so have obviously had lots of walks with Charlotte!  The bad news is that the Kuga has a flat tyre!  Alan's changed it and put the space saver tyre on and he'll take the flat tyre with him in the other car tomorrow and hope it can be repaired, otherwise it'll be a new tyre!

I've uploaded my photos from the weekend and have took about 1,100 so I've got lots of editing/deleting to do which might take some time.  I also need to catch up with you too!

We've had a lovely weekend and really like Dieppe, it's easy for us to get there too and not expensive as foot passengers so I'm sure we'll be back.  Hope you've had a good weekend too!

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