Happy Birthday - ME !

It's only lunchtime and after doing a few jobs around at Daniel and Joanne's house Marlane and I came back to find that our lovely daughter Julia had not only made us lunch of fresh baked rolls and soup but had also made a cake for my birthday and brownies.
She's the one that got me the boots in the photograph and the handmade card. Always a joy to have her home when she can make it but sometimes she just excels herself. Thank you Julia XX

Got some cards and 'Granny Strict Pants' (Sonia to us grown ups) popped in with a card and the Terry Wogan book as she knows I was a member of 'TOGs' in Terry's Old Geezer days on Radio 2.

This evening we are all (9 of us) off to Prezzo's, everyone's favourite Italian.

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