
By Dee49

Shock horror!!

After watching Children in Need on Friday night, (whilst crying my eyes out I might add) I was so moved that I ended up downloading this iPudsey app so that I could give a donation.

The app was fairly basic. I donated £5.00.
Now tell me if you think this amount states £5.00 or £500.00??

Yes, it can only happen to me.....

A £500 donation to CIN was taken from my bank account yesterday.

After spending most of the night not being able to sleep for worrying and crying like a baby, I am in the process of waiting on £495.00 to be transferred back into my account!!

So... Now that I've calmed down slightly, I'm away to make T for the girls.

Bread n butter anyone? :)

Ps: the tooth fairy flew in last night but scratched herself on the flippin cocktail stick!!

And, thanks to everyone, again, for their comments and stars on yesterday's blip, it reached the spotlight :D

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