Monday morning dancing
Dancers were a bit thin on the ground this morning but it was a good session nevertheless.
We were in the gym because our usual room is still being used for a craft fair. So instead of up the main staircase and into a grand room with high ceilings, interesting painted wall decoration of delicate ivy twining round the mouldings, ornate chandeliers and beautiful windows, we trail along a long corridor to the back of the building. Through the murk of the youth club, with the ambience of a dimly lit cellar, we pass the pool table and coffee bar. Here the painting on the walls is abstract and bold and posters give contact details for help with the problems faced by young people of today. At last, into the cavern of the gym. If we're lucky the floor has been cleaned. Sometimes it's a bit sticky. But hey, we pay £1 for 2 hours dancing and most of the year it's in a beautiful room. We have nothing to complain about!
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