the day of the leaky baby

Poor baby boy had a real tummy ache today, causing the leaking of many real tears. And then he did lots of straining which kept making him sick. But his most impressive performance came later on. He’d settled down so I decided to take him up to a service at church at which our new Vicar was being “installed”. Weird name for it, sounds more like something that happens to home appliances than vicars, but there you have it.

All was well and he was quietly sleeping and feeding until the most quiet and solemn part of the service where said vicar was making various promises about his new role. Isaac took the silence as a good moment to loudly and liberally release the contents of his intestines in a downwards direction. Repeatedly. We were both covered. It soaked through me and all my clothes and on to the chair beneath. The church was still mainly silent although there were a few shaking shoulders around us as folk attempted to stifle giggles. Isaac meanwhile was very pleased with himself. And then the walk of shame to the bathrooms.... leaving a trail behind us. A particularly memorable episode.

But the picture is the other cheekies enjoying a decidedly unhealthy yoghurt after a less unhealthy meal. They were lovely dinner companions tonight.

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