Parking spaces for sale

........................Only £50,000 each.

Yes, you have read this correctly. These five parking spaces are expected to sell for at least £50,000 each. They're going to auction and £100,000 for two has already been turned down?!

Obviously they will be bought by 'second home owners' because no one living in St Ives could afford one on Cornish wages. Can't complain too much though because if it wasn't for holiday makers Ann wouldn't have a job!

What we do find slightly irritating, is the fact that this house used to be owned by Ann's ex-boyfriend, and when she was with him, this area was a garage and garden. If only he'd had the insight to cover it in tarmac and sell it for an excess of £250,000?!

...........................I could be living a life of collie dog luxury. There again, I've got a pretty good life now. Who needs designer dog collars when they'd only get messed up when I go wallowing in mud?!!!!!

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