Pandemic Legacy, Season 1, March

Before the start of this months game we received the following additional help :
- New character : the operations expert, named Bob (can build a structure in the city he is in without the city-card, once per turn can move from any city containing a structure to any city by discarding any city-card)
- new funded event : remote outpost (add 1 military base to any city)
- green house-figurines for the military bases we can build now

With the new month come new objectives
- Eradicate at least 1 disease (as we had an advantage with the blue virus because we eradicated it last game, we went for that one (we no longer need to be in a research station to discover a cure for this one))
- Have a military base in each of the six major regions of the world (a task for Bob

Taking into account the objectives we had to reach, we went for Hannes as Dispatcher, Leander as Operations Expert, Kobe as Researcher and me as Quarantine Specialist.

When we started the game, no black cubes where on the board, and only two cities with blue cubes (Essen and Paris). Because we had 3 cards of both diseases each, we decided to concentrate on those two diseases, and foremost the blue one (because of our advantage).

Leander hopped around as Operations Specialist and had the 6 military bases established in 3 turns, as the objective stated.

The epidemics came quick in this game (3rd card was an epidemic), which had us worried in the beginning, but as I look back, that might have been an advantage, because you can directly concentrate on the danger it poses (instead of swarming out over the map).

It took a little bit more work to get 5 blue cards into my hands (because without the Scientist you need an extra one), but managed to eradicate the blue disease just in time (the red and yellow cubes were down to a few pieces, and the outbreak marker was only 2 steps away from the end). 5 of the red cities had 3 cubes in them and 4 of the yellow, so time was running short. Luckily we hot all the funded events in the game, but we missed the ones we were not allowed to take.
I think as a rule for this game you can say that if you get an advantage, use it immediately, because if not it takes another turn before you can use it again and I don't think we have played a game with more than 4 turns.

As a win bonus we may place 1 military base anywhere on the board at the beginning of the game

As game end upgrades we chose the following, making the blue disease easier for following games
- Efficient to sequence : you  no longer need to spend an action to discover a cure for this disease
- Easier Agents : you can discover a cure for this disease with one fewer card

We also received some additional items
- scars : exhausted (you may drive/ferry no more than 2 time son your turn), panicky (you may never enter a collapsing or fallen city), hobbled (you may never enter a fallen city)
- Extra game end upgrades : local pressure (if you are in a military base, you may quarantine an adjacent city with the quarantine action), formidable (you may use a city card from an adjacent city when building any structure), veteran (you may take the military shuttle flight action)
- Stickers for starting military bases

Next game (april) will be on 02/10

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