Break - day 1
I bit of faffing around in the morning, and unsuccessful cat seeking, meant I left slightly later than planned and that and a road closure and missed turning meant I was a wee bit behindhand but nothing too serious.
Started off with lunch and a walk round Dawyck Gardens and outstation of RGBE that specialises in trees. It was very pleasant, not at all cold, and parts of it, especially the hydro pond at the top of the gardens reminded me of Upper Donside and the similar pond in Strathdon that we used to spend time beside on hot summer days.
I had mixed views of arriving at Stobo and of the decision I must reach and it was definitely not helped that suddenly my sciatica was playing up, badly. I checked in, went for a swim, and then could barely move. The pain was making me feel sick but luckily I'd come prepared and that did help.
I am not be sociable these days so G&T alone in the cocktail bar and dinner alone with my book then bed. The bed is so uncomfortable, not good for the back so I ended up folding over the duvet for a substitute mattress topper.
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