
By dunkyc

Oh, yes....

...it is!

It's been a couple of years, but I am chuffed to bits to be back and treading the boards again.

Tonight was the first rehearsal of the Burneside Amateur Theatrical Society 2019 pantomime: Jack and the Beanstalk

It was great to see some old faces (very old) and meet some new people whilst having a run through the script, which is in short: a hoot.

This evenings rehearsal was more of just a read through to get familiar with the characters and hear the directors thoughts on the songs and how the more physical stuff would play out. We start the blocking process on Sunday, but for now it was just great being back in a room with a bunch of people wanting to put on a show!

I intend to make my children, family and friends proud by parading around in wigs, make up and dresses.

Probably should mention at this point that I am playing The Dame.

"I come for the dresses. I stay for the fake boobs."

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