Coorse (Day 1232)

The morning woofer wander was, surprisingly, dry. It felt quite pleasant in the sunshine.
Back at home, I got on with various things around the house whilst waiting for my beautiful wife to come home from her overnight shift at work. I fitted in a quick trip to the dump just before the heavens opened with the forecasted rain.
We got ourselves organised after lunch and headed to Stromness to wander the woofers and check on the hosses. By the time we got there, there wasn't much air between the raindrops. The heaviest rain I have seen for a long time. 
After walkies we stopped in at Mum and Dad's, where we left the woofers for the night before heading to catch the ferry to the mainland. It was a fairly rough crossing, with sheets of spray being blown past the boat as we crashed through the waves. Strong sunlight bred rainbows in clouds of spray. The horizon in this shot is straight, the deck of the boat much less so.
Off the ferry we drove down to Inverness where we are staying for the night. I am off to school in the morning, whilst HV has a day in town. 
Home again tomorrow night.

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