time and space

By max01

Benefit reforms....

Have been working very hard, hence off the blip wagon recently - sorry.

I have been writing information about the new changes to welfare benefits that will come into force next April and it's a horrifying prospect. I don't think most people realise the massive and cruel impact these changes will have. Your options? Move to a cheaper area? Find a job (??). Go and live in the street? The government talks about how people claiming benefits shouldn't be better-off than 'hard working families' and decline to mention that most people that claim Housing Benefit now are hard-working families and their benefit may be cut substantially next April so they will more than likely lose their homes.... it makes me so angry, I can hardly write this blip comment. And I don't want to give extra upset to those who those who are facing these horrible choices in the future . But I wish I knew what to suggest to you what you could do about all this...

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