Simplify, Simplify

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess Normal,

Smock is on holiday at the moment. This doesn't stop her fretting and calling me anyway because I am obviously useless. 

But it does mean I can listen to podcasts safe in the knowledge that I will not be interrupted by the FAST BREAKING NEWS STORY that Smock has to buy fish after work/Smock is planning on having soup for lunch/Smock has noticed that Donna has moved desks.

It has been sort of nice. And anyway, I am at a bit of a hiatus at present. I'm waiting for other people to do things and they are taking longer than they should, so when Lemon asked me to look at her work, I said, "sure".

It was fun. I like working with Lemon. And maybe because I think like a programmer I was able to cut back her complicated BA documents down to a few lines. System does thing. System does other thing. System stops doing things. Done. On to the next.

"What about the requirements?" she asked me.

"Programmers do not care," I informed her. "YOU care. They don't care."

What she is attempting to document is actually pretty complex, but I reckon I can help her with a bit of pruning. Speaking of which, perhaps to reward me for my help, she shared a story about her family with me.

It turns out that her dad was having issues with his garden, until her cousin who is in the Mongrel Mob came over. "You need to put down proper fertiliser, not that shit from the Warehouse," said her cousin. "Also you should dig in some sand to improve drainage and rotate your tomato plants because they take nutrients out of the soil."

"I had no idea you fellers in the Mongrel Mob knew so much about gardening," marvelled Lemon's dad.

Lemon just rolled her eyes. The reason they had actually come around that day was because she is considered the smart one in the family. Therefore her cousin reckoned she must know all about hydroponics because hey, that's like science, eh?

"I had to disappoint him," confessed Lemon. "But at least dad got his garden sorted." Apparently he still goes around to the Mongrel Mob clubhouse now whenever he want horticultural advice.

"I think he thinks they are some sort of gardening club," said Lemon.

So I had a nice day, and at lunchtime took myself to Americano's All-Day Breakfast place which is a treat I give myself now and again. I had the Mexican Crepe which was fabulous and thought about how I could simplify Lemon's documents still further.

Which in itself reminded me of a line from the sitcom "Cheers". I loved Cheers back in the 80's. It was my favourite show. In one episode, Diane was quoting Thoreau, "Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify!”

"Why not just one 'simplify'?" asked Coach. 

I've always liked that.


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