
It's been a rather dismal day of weather, the only saving grace being that it's very mild. The forecast was for rain, heavy at times, but as it turned out there wasn't much rain other than quite a bit of patchy drizzle, except for the just fifteen minutes this afternoon - a downpour which happened to coincide precisely with the fifteen minute break I took for a walk along the canal to get my sandwich. Needless to say the photographs I took weren't very exciting. This shot was finally grabbed at Shipley station this evening. You should be impressed that the train had pulled in already and I was running to catch it! I'm getting to be very quick on the draw!! I got the blip and caught the train.

This subway isn't as intimidating as it may look, but there is another, not really any more than a tunnel under the railway, which I use as a quick route from the office. It's unlit and very dark at night - as well as being smelly. I'd rather not use it, but I never seem to leave myself enough time to be able to avoid it. Last night a woman, who must work in our building, called as I was about to descend the steps to ask if it was a shortcut to the station. I answered yes but warned her that it was very dark. I suggested she follow closely behind me. She took two steps down and then very abruptly changed her mind. I tried not to take it personally, but that did actually upset me a little bit, that she was unable to trust me. Not that I could blame her in any way, but it did make me think.

I've enjoyed a better day at work. Quite a bit achieved on a number of fronts. It's amazing how just a little bit of progress can make one feel so much more positive.

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