
All we had planned was to go out for lunch, as we were going to a concert in the evening and didn't want to be cooking. Then we thought - let's go somewhere we have never been before. Then Forcalquier came into the mix. And so we found ourselves heading that way, the other side of Apt, in a direction we have rarely gone. 

A scenic drive and then we found the lovely town of Forcalquier. We took the Green Guide's suggestion of where to eat and it was a restaurant right in the centre of the old town - narrow streets of houses, shops and cafés. An excellent lunch sitting in the shade of the terrace - how the French do it we don't know, but we love what they do.

This energised us to decide to climb up to the top of the Old Town and to the gold topped citadel. and chapel. It was a long and steep climb, through the narrow streets and then up lots (and lots) of steps to get to the top. But the views and the citadel itself was worth it. 

Of course then we had to get down again, but that was okay. 

By the time we got back to where we had started from it was very hot and we had had enough so we headed back to the car. On the way we found a little local market setting up, as they are inclined to do, and we bought some cheese, as we are inclined to do.

Forcalquier has a lot of history - we will return. 

And this evening we have been to a concert in the Eglise Saint Trophime, Lacoste (the next village to ours). A delightful evening of music given by two excellent musicians playing Harp and Flute. 

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