...The plot thickens...
The Squirrel's Union 586 has now resorted to underhanded fenced tactics. And I am saddened to have to tell you that the blue jays appear to be in on the whole thing. Yes, while little Dudley here created a diversion, Jeremiah Blue Jay made off with the treasure! Are they in cahoots, or are they rivals in the Great Peanut Arbitration? Only time will tell... Stay tuned for breaking news.
Thank you for sending Dudley to the front page of Spotlight! I hope you don't mind that I didn't tell him, though. The negotiations are going badly with demands now escalating to a ridiculous level so it didn't seem prudent to let that head of his get filled with delusions of grandeur.
On a more somber note ... I took a spectacular tumble on the stairs this morning, entirely missing the last two and landing in a heap on the floor. Swollen ankle, various bumps and bruises, and a twisted wrist - but nothing is broken so all is well. Note to self: remember that you don't have much depth perception and you NEED to be more careful, woman!!!
Happy Tuesday from all of us to all of you...
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