Clay poultice for limping goat.

First find a pharmacy (not difficult here, three in one small area) and ask for green clay, it’s a good idea to know the word for clay, we forgot however the young woman recognised the English words. Make up a paste, soak the bandage (strip of clean tea towel) in paste, gather together black tape, plastic bag and oodles of courage. Catch the goat. Wrap soaked bandage around her leg, after she has kicked out a leg, flicked the bandage off that slaps you in the face try again. Cover bandage with a freezer bag, tape into place. Make sure all is secure before letting her go. It’s unlikley you will catch her again today.

Go home, place all clothes in the washing machine, have a shower, wash hair. Use remaining clay for a face mask.
Check her throughout the day, it’s amazing how fast a goat can run on three legs. No animals were hurt in the making of this blip.

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