
Flea got her brace tightened today and it seems that eating was painful. She's the kind of girl who doesn't care what her teeth look like and certainly wouldn't be doing this for beauty's sake - but her teeth got damaged in an accident and that, coupled with naturally wonky teeth has meant that she has no choice, they have to be sorted out. She's very, very brave about it all and has had to accept being well outside of her comfort zone and face a few fears too. I'm proud of her - not only for what she's doing but also for the fact that she's learnt that getting things sorted out properly when they happen prevents years of sorting out afterwards. We've really moved on a few steps, in so many ways. When I think of when this one was just a little bobble of baby who would spend days clinging to my leg because she only felt properly safe if she sat on my foot and would only communicate with me, not even to other family members - well, I'm proud of what we've achieved together and am certain that she will continue to astonish us. With the added benefit of me being able to think "told you so" and say ner ner ner ner ner in certain people's general direction.

On that note, Mr. Spitzi and I have been reflecting a bit recently on what we've been doing. The amount we've done in the last ten years is actually quite frightening - from operations and nearly dying, through losing home and job, to rebuilding our lives, completing degrees, taking on responsibilities and helping our three Blings to find a way through life....we're both proud of ourselves and utterly exhausted. I for one will be happy to plod through the next ten years in a very unadventurous way, just doing one day at a time and finding time to relax and enjoy.....

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