Today's Special

By Connections

Instant Transition

Check out that Northern Flicker's feet, firmly ensconced on our deck railing. I made that photo -- jpg P9200874 -- at 10:35:11 a.m., according to the information on the jpg . That exact same time was attached to jpg P9200873 -- the extra photo of that same flicker looking to the right. 

In an infinitesimal amount of time, this young flicker went from standing on the deck railing to the "power up" necessary for take-off to the high  feeder. A second attempt was required to ensure a firm grip, which was attained at 10:36:31 a.m. (second extra).

I could happily bird-watch all day, but there are some other things that I should be doing/want to be doing...

Blip 1975

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