Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters

1(01) Dalmations

101 Blips Today

Wonderful Lounardo modelled her 'Onesie' styled in the form of a Dalmation. Who says that us blippers are not creative and really think about our art. We are also highly persuasive!

For the technically minded, this was taken without flash, in low light, with a Nikon D3100 and an old Nikkor 50mm lens. Aperture was F1.12 and the shutter speed was 1/25th second. These notes are for my own benefit. This style of photography relies on intuition, luck and trial and error. There is no recourse to TTL metering.

Work today was fun. We are still going through a massive organisation restructure that umm makes life interesting.. The IT systems are playing up and we have the plus side that we have some respite from an endless onslaught of emails. The fun side was that I organised PechaKucha sessions for PhD students. It was really beneficial to get short presentations that were very condensed and to the point. Perhaps all lectures should be like this....20 slides of 20 seconds each....Simples!

102 tomorrow - now I am really struggling for a theme. We will just have to see what turns up :)

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