
I woke up feeling non too good today - after feeling so tired on going to bed I couldn't fall asleep after all the activity spent getting Oscar up the stairs along with his crate and bed! I wondered if I was finally coming down with the cold The Exile had just had. Around midday I decided to take Oscar for a walk to clear my head, so The Exile decided to come with me and abandon her work on the computer. As we started the walk she suggested going to her mums to show her Oscar rather than her coming for coffee. It was only a short walk but oh I felt bad and on the way back the familiar feeling of the onset of a panic attack began to develop. I thrust Oscar, my bag and jumper at The exile as she asked if I was ok, I said no but to ignore me and walked off home!  I went straight to my meditation room and meditated. It worked! I think it was just the tiredness from the driving and all the space clearing I had done for the last couple of weeks, plus the emotion of going home. In the past there would have been no way I could have stopped myself tipping over into a full on attack - so progress!
Whilst I was upstairs the electrician came to look at fitting my Fishermen lights, he needs to get a ceiling plate so that will be sometime next week. The exile did some ironing which Oscar found a good game - he kept grabbing the sleeves of her shirts as they hung off the ironing board! Every time he went for them  I exchanged it for something he could chew. He has a range of chew plastic bones, cardboard, a rope tug, a stuffed rabbit  and a carrot,  so there was plenty to exchange it for! The Exile went out in the afternoon to get sea sick tablets as the crossing looked to being a rough one. She is a seasoned sailor as her dad loved sailing so she thought she would be fine, but the tablets would help put her to sleep with a couple of glasses of red wine! Oscar didn't whine but sat in the hallway waiting for her to return, popping back to check I was still in the kitchen before finally settling for a nap with me! However when she returned and went upstairs to pack he did make a fuss! He knew she was upstairs and wanted to be with her! I thought it best he went up to her!When they both came down he was in full on chewy mood! 
After I cooked dinner The Exile left, by now the weather was pretty awful, and it continued to get worse through the evening and into the night. Oscar again settled and didn't whine after her leaving but was alert to the crashes that seemed to be occurring outside. I decided to sleep in The Exiles room as he knew it, and the cats had not emerged from the attic even to eat! He settled immediately but I didn't for long and actually woke him up when I finally decided to get up and make myself a cup of tea! I managed 5 hours sleep in total - maybe it's an age thing?!

Thanks for all the love shown to Oscar yesterday! 

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