Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos


Today has been a mostly at home day as it was a bit miserable this morning but it cleared in the afternoon and Freespiral, Himself and myself escaped for a walk.  Freespiral brought me a way that required a creek crossing, all very well for her in Wellies but I am used to wet feet!  There was a bit of trespassing of course.  It is quite sad to see these houses slowly being taken over by nature.  This one is almost completely hidden.

When we got back to home we were met by Arachne and B who are also staying and so we went for another walk to glimpse better views of Graham Norton's house, wander down to the pier and reflect at the Air India Memorial.

Back home for a sumptuous meal and now Arachne and I are busy putting our blip up.  I have put the mini blipmeet up at Kitchen Cove as an extra and also the pier.

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