Please wait!

A reoccurring theme for today I think!!!
Woke at 2.45, ready for the alarm to go off at 3am!!! This is the earliest I have ever blipped... 4.40am, don't plan to make a habit of it!!!

I think I jinxed myself with the "please wait title", as that's what I did repeatedly for the rest of the day!!

Took off on time for our 2hr 25min flight to Krakow.

Passengers were mostly young Polish families with loads of small children (2-5yrs). Following the announcement "10 minutes to landing" we circled above fluffy white clouds, round and round and round for over 30 minutes. An attempted landing was aborted as the cloud level was too low and we diverted to Rzeszow airport 180km East of Krakow. We had a short wait for coaches prior to a 3+hr journey through dank misty countryside. Many tired hungry kids, ditto parents and me!!

Fortunately the person collecting me was still waiting at Krakow airport, as there was a speaker from Switzerland who had also arrived late having been diverted to a nearer airport. We were taken to our hotel, not the one I was expecting from the info sent by the UK organisers!! It was after 4pm when we got checked in. I spent a couple of hours checking through my presentation ready for tomorrow.

The evening rapidly improved when we were taken out to dinner in the old city centre by the Professor who was organising the Conference. Beautiful food and atmosphere!! Only very slightly marred by the fact we had been on the go since 3am. Limited alcohol, l as I don't want to be presenting tomorrow feeling any more tired that I presently do!!

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