Mourning the forest

The day we dreaded has come. The gnarly toothed machines have started their brutally efficient deforestation. Dave was at home today and encountered it raw. He was moved to write. This is his picture. And this is what he wrote: -

Lost Home

Sleek Badger, Sheltering Deer, Quick Rabbit ,Shy Vole,
Longtail and Coal Tit that nests there in a hole
Snail, Spider, Goldcrest, and Hawk,
and Millipede whose home is under that rock,
and Squirrel and Wasp and mysterious Owl,
and Wood Pidgeon and Jackdaw and Crows throaty growl
and Mouse and Mushroom and small glistening stream,
That catches eastern sunbeams in mornings that gleam,
and slow walks and chilly western winds moving bough,
and Northern snows drift slowy when the trees allow,
And Treeswing and Hide and far kids laughter receding,
and happy dogs bark with fast misted breathing
And contemplation on music and poems conceived,
And a slow 15 minutes to let the mind breath.
Churned up and spat out by cold metal Jaw,
to leave a lump in the throat and a heart that is raw

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